It’s hard to miss out on PTA activities and events when they’re automatically on your calendar. Click ‘subscribe’ today!
iCal Link: (Open Apple calendar, add subscription calendar, copy and paste the above link in the subscription URL and click subscribe. This way any updates to the google calendar will update on your Apple calendar)
School day events are primarily for Hollyglen students. The PTA often needs volunteers for setup, presentation, and cleanup.
“Restaurant Nights” are afternoons when local restaurants donate a portion of your bill to the PTA.
“Family Events” are inclusive events for everyone, featuring activities such as Family Picnic & Read, Movie Night, Bear Bazaar and Silent Auction, Art Family Night-Valentine’s Day, Family Reading Picnic, Dia del Nino nights, WEF Rock Around the Block, and Family Dance & Picnic Night.
“Bear Bazaar” (bake sale) and “WEF Rock Around the Block” are fun day events featuring games, vendors, and a silent auction, providing fun for the whole family! These are the two main fundraisers for the PTA.